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A Sunshine Fix

Photo from Spotlight News Magazine


One of the great things about Southwest Florida is just how many options there are to enjoy nature while getting your daily dose of Vitamin D!

Take Bonita Nature Place, for instance.  This green gem is located just minutes from downtown Bonita Springs, a leisurely drive that’s just under an hour from Ocean’s Reach.

Home to burrows for 24 Gopher Tortoises (currently classified as a Threatened Species), Bonita Nature Place also features a butterfly garden with a banquet of blooming native plants, honeybees that live in its observation apiary and bats roosting in the park’s large bat house.

Bounded by the 60,000-acre Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed, the park offers several gentle hikes, including Cullum’s Trail, a shell path that meanders along the beautiful banks of the Imperial River, adorned with rustic bridges, boardwalks and observation decks.

For more information, click here!



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