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Googling the Gulf: #3


You can call the Gulf of Mexico an “Aquatic Highway” if you’d like!

The Nature Conservancy recently analyzed data on 26 species identifying four major migratory pathways — dubbed “blueways” — that criss-cross the Gulf.

These routes are used extensively by fish, mammals, sea turtles, and birds, with migrations occurring year-round.

However, less than one percent of these aquatic corridors have been classified as marine protected areas, meaning that these migrating species are not shielded from overfishing and destructive fishing practices.  When combined with the impact of invasive species, climate change and declining water quality due to oil spills, pollution and debris from coastal developent, these aquatic highways can prove just as deadly as their tar-paved counterparts.

To learn more about the importance of marine protected areas, click here!



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