In a Flip-Flop State of Mind.

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Setbacks Only Make Us Stronger


Tropical Storm Debby churned by us on her way to making landfall yesterday on Florida’s panhandle.  Call it an unwelcome dose of PTSD after the devastation of Hurricane Ian close to two years ago.

Fortunately, no major damage was done to the restoration efforts of our four condominium buildings.  Most of our new landscaping also fared well.

Quite a bit of flooding was left in Debby’s wake, though, as the storm’s strongest rains came during the afternoon high tide.  Reports were that many island roads looked “like rivers” afterward.

The “river-like” storm surge cascaded through our office, as well, for the first time in at least 20 years according to Andy (with the exception of after Hurricane Ian, of course).  It looks like we’ll need to replace all of our brand new flooring, baseboards, lower drywall et al, and for the time being, office staff will be relocated once again.

But as with any setback, we hope it will only make us more tenacious moving forward!  We can’t wait to re-open our doors on November 30, assuming Mother Nature cooperates.  If you haven’t yet made your reservation to visit us again, please do so at!

Our thoughts will be with those in Debby’s path as the storm system continues on.  We hope for minimal damage, but if not, go with our mantra:  With hard work, the comeback is always stronger than the setback!





4 thoughts on “Setbacks Only Make Us Stronger

  1. Oh, we’re so sorry to hear that Debby caused damage to the offices after all your hard work!! I know this setback will not get you down but gee whiz! Enough already. Please know that we are counting the days until we can be back at Oceans Reach and wish you the best in the days ahead.

  2. You all have been in our thoughts and prayers as we watched the weather moving through your area. We are glad there was no major damage to Oceans Reach and thankful all of you are safe. We will keep sending positive thoughts your way. We can’t wait until we see you all next March.

  3. Thank you SO much for the update. We were wondering how OR fared in the flooding. We can’t wait to get back to our favorite family place. See you November 30!!!!!!

  4. We were watching (from PA), hoping, and praying there would be no damage after Debby went through. So sorry to hear about the office flooding, but know you will all persevere in getting things repaired soon. God bless.

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