“Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished.” – Lao Tzu That sense of patience and hope continues to permeate throughout Sanibel and Captiva Islands, seven months after Hurricane Ian slammed onto our shores.
Category: April 2023
It’s the Little Things

We’re grateful for seeing old friends again (especially when they’re delivering the mail), along with our shorebirds coming back, beautiful shells covering our beach, and — of course — spectacular Sanibel sunsets ending our days once again.
Making a Difference

One of the ways our islands have always thrived is through the amazing network of volunteers who tirelessly help out at our local nonprofit and community organizations. Their spirit came through loud and clear at the “Get Inspired! SanCap Volunteer Expo” recently held at BIG ARTS. More than 300 people attended to learn how they can further help with recovery efforts throughout the islands.
Welcome Back, “Ding” Darling!

We’re thrilled to report that the J.N. “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge is scheduled to re-open tomorrow, welcoming back visitors to Wildlife Drive and their Visitors and Education Center, along with the Wildlife Drive observation tower and sections of the Indigo Trail, Wildlife Education Boardwalk and Wulfert Key Trail.