Slowly but surely, we’re making progress at Ocean’s Reach, where today we find ourselves at the eight-month anniversary mark of Hurricane Ian. Andy and Lisa are our “boots on the ground” working daily to help rebuild the resort that we all miss and love so dearly.
Category: May 2023
Posted on 5/18/2023
Rebuilding the Causeway

Although the Sanibel Causeway was re-opened to emergency workers only 15 days after Hurricane Ian hit last fall, that was just the beginning of a long road ahead (forgive the pun) for those who love our island.
Posted on 5/12/2023
Helping the Least (Terns) Among Us

Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation biologists have recently located least tern nests on Sanibel and Captiva, reporting that this is the first time the birds have nested on the islands since 2020.
Posted on 5/5/2023
Sanibel Girl

Sanibel Girl The beach almost empty The surf getting still The rays of sun A sea gull’s shill