Celebrated today on the first day of summer, National Seashell Day serves as a gentle reminder that treasures arrive every day in the form of simple things. On behalf of all of us at Ocean’s Reach, we can’t wait until we can help you once again to “always have a shell in your pocket and sand between your toes”!
Category: June 2023
Nine Months Later …

“Not perfect, but still paradise,” as our local Chamber of Commerce likes to say. An ideal way of recapping where we are nine months after Hurricane Ian hit with ferocious intensity and the enormous amount of work since to rebuild our much-loved destination.
The Visitor Center is Back!

After celebrating more than 50 business reopenings over the past several months, friends at the Sanibel-Captiva Islands Chamber of Commerce were finally able to snip their own yellow ribbon last week, commemorating the reopening of the Chamber Visitor Center near the entrance to the island.
There’s No Place Like Home

There’s no place like home, just ask our Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation friends who are part of the nighttime sea turtle tagging team.