Posted on 1/2/2024

Keep On Truckin'!

Happy New Year!

Just as a new year allows us to focus on reinvigorating our own lives, the start of 2024 will see rejuvenation of Sanibel’s beloved beaches and ecosystems.

A little over fifteen months ago, Hurricane Ian flattened our coastline, leaving behind significant beach erosion and creating channels of “gullies” near the beach at Ocean’s Reach and throughout the island.

After months of careful planning, an enormous beach renourishment program is now underway, aimed at restoring Sanibel’s beaches to their former glory.

More than 400,000 tons of pristine sand will soon blanket the island, erasing the scars of the storm by replenishing beach dunes, filling in gullies, and providing vital protection for the creatures that call this island home.

Each day, crews will haul between 120 – 160 trucks of sand from Moore Haven, Florida near Lake Okeechobee, more than 75 miles away, to Sanibel. Drivers will start their daily treks at 4am in order to get to the island by sun up.

As with other hurricane recovery projects, this will be a monumental testament to the resilience of our beloved island and the unwavering spirit of so many who have helped us out along the way.

The beach renourishment project will be done in stretches and is estimated to be completed by April. The photos above from Andy show activity around Ocean’s Reach this week.

You’ll soon be able to once again enjoy our magnificent beach and all of its treasures. As we like to say, “May you always have a shell in your pocket and sand in your shoes!”

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