In a Flip-Flop State of Mind.

Your Daily Beach Therapy from Ocean's Reach

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Our Weather Shell!

Don Payne's weather shell

Thanks to long-time guest Don Payne, we are now the proud owners of the world’s first “Weather Shell”!

Guests can now learn for themselves how to forecast the weather … Sanibel style!


Our Weather Shell will specify weather conditions with almost 100% accuracy when used correctly:

If the Shell is WET:   It is raining.

If the Shell is WHITE:   It is snowing.

If the Shell is MOVING SLIGHTLY:    There is a light breeze.

If the Shell is MOVING FAST:   There are strong winds.

If the Shell is SWINGING WILDLY:   Take cover!

If the Shell is SHINY:   The sun is out.

If the Shell is DULL:   It is cloudy.

If the Shell CAN’T BE SEEN:   It is dark outside.

If the Shell is COOL:   It is cold out.

If the Shell is WARM:   It is hot out.

If the Shell BLEW AWAY:   There was a hurricane.

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