The Hot Sardines

Fueled by the belief that classic jazz feeds the heart and soul, The Hot Sardines are on a mission “to make old sounds new again and prove that joyful music can bring people together in a disconnected world.”

Several of our Ocean’s Reach family were treated to their performance at BIG ARTS recently, including Lynne K., pictured above with AC Lincoln, the group’s tap dancer.  » Read more

81st Annual Sanibel Shell Festival

The 81st Sanibel Shell Festival is only days away, meaning that the Sanibel Community House will once again take center stage as host of the unique event that draws visitors from around the globe year after year.

The festival features juried scientific and artistic exhibits, along with shell displays, demonstrations, crafts, prizes, food and entertainment, and a raffle with more than $8,000 in prizes.

The Annual Shell Festival is a cooperative endeavor between The House’s Shell Crafters Club,  » Read more

New Hobie Fishing Kayaks

Tarpon Bay Explorers now offers an upgraded alternative for anglers to rent and fish within the JN “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge.

Hobie fishing kayak rentals are available for visitors and residents to provide anglers a stealthy, efficient and hands-free fishing experience.

The Explorers team replaced its motorized canoe fleet with Hobie fishing kayaks to provide increased reliability and flexibility. Hobie kayaks are pedal-powered.  » Read more

Searchin’ For My Lost Shaker of Salt

Today is National Margarita Day!

Since it is reportedly the most commonly ordered drink in the U.S., accounting for 18% of all mixed drink sales (runner up is the martini), we thought that we would throw a shout-out to the frozen concoction that helps many hang on.

No-one knows who invented the margarita, but as with most things, it’s likely that it involved a beautiful woman.  » Read more

The Poetry of Kite Flying

One of the reasons we look forward to this time of year is having longtime guest Bob P. from Plymouth, MN back to delight beachgoers with his kite flying finesse.

It’s wonderful to see all of the vibrant colors sailing against the backdrop of a crystal blue sky. As always, Bob, thanks so much for the treat!

“A kite is a victim you are sure of.  » Read more

Whet Your Appetite!

The Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner is coming!!

Fun Fact: An old propane tank from the “Algiers” steamboat was salvaged and now fuels the outdoor kitchen for the Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner!

The Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner is coming!! The annual fundraising event will be held this year on Saturday, February 24 at the Sanibel Community House.

For $10 per person (kids under 10 are free),  » Read more

SCCF Open House Today!

Have you ever wondered how SCCF’s researchers study seagrasses, diamondhead terrapins and sea turtles? How do you track eastern indigo snake populations across different islands in Pine Island Sound? How do you measure water quality and use the raw data to tell a story? What can tracking the movements of green sea turtles tell us about them? How do you restore an oyster reef, and why do it?

Meet the scientists and staffers at Sanibel-Captiva Conservation Foundation who are always happy to answer your questions and talk more about how guidance from SCCF helps in the continued success of managing our island wildlife and environment.  » Read more

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