Another Junonia!


Yet another beautiful Junonia — What a great find for longtime guest Debbie T. from Indianapolis, IN who saw the intact shell just east of Ocean’s Reach during her recent visit here.

Did you know?  The word “Junonia” refers to the Roman goddess Juno.  Juno was the Roman counterpart to Hera; she was thevisi wife to Jupiter (Zeus in Greek mythos) and ruled as Queen of the Gods.   » Read more

There’s an App for That!


Never again wonder about what type of shell you found when enjoying the “Sanibel Stoop” during your vacation at Ocean’s Reach!

We’ve posted about this before, but we think it deserves an encore.

The Shell Museum’s app, available from the App Store or Google Play, identifies Southwest Florida shells in seconds using your phone camera.

Learn about the shell you found and see photos of the living animal that created it.   » Read more

#Opt Outside!


#Opt Outside is a movement founded by the outdoor company REI as an alternative to Black Friday.  Instead of offering sales prices to kick off the holiday season, they shut down their stores and website and encourage people to go out and explore with friends and loved ones instead of shopping.

To learn more about how to participate in the #Opt Outside movement in your own community,  » Read more

Our Beacon of Light

Sanibel Lighthouse, circa 1933


Did you know?

The Sanibel Lighthouse has quite the fascinating history!

Early islanders originally petitioned for the lighthouse in 1833; however it wasn’t until 50 years later that Congress finally appropriated funds for the project.

The foundation for the new lighthouse was completed in early 1884, but the ship bringing ironwork for the tower from Jersey City,  » Read more

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