One Month Later

Amazingly, our sign survived Hurricane Ian — It’s indeed a “sign” of our resilience!

Yes, that’s an actual tree that flew into this unit — Roots and all!

Starting to clean up …

… And there’s an awful lot to clean up!

It’s crazy what survived the storm (… and I don’t mean just us ladies!)

Ocean’s Reach is cleaning up nicely …

… Very nicely indeed!  » Read more

Before and After


I have very poor internet and cell service where I am, but I wanted to try to send on another post-Hurricane Ian update for Ocean’s Reach.

We have accounted for all of our staff and everyone is safe.  Two colleagues who have remained on Sanibel will be evacuated today.

They will be leaving an island that is basically unrecognizable.

There are no words.   » Read more

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