It’s HUGE!

BG and Giant Grouper

We love to boast about the fishing off the Sanibel coastline. And last week
our resident fisherman and owner, BG, made us “reel” proud with a catch so
large, it is called the Giant Grouper. Needless to say, it was an
incredible day to fish and then release this protected grouper measuring
about 4 feet long.

The giant grouper has a large mouth and a rounded tail.  » Read more

Stepping Out

BIG ARTS comedy


There’s nothing quite like an evening at the Strauss Theater when you’re vacationing on Sanibel. This intimate theater, managed and operated by BIG ARTS, hosts a number of award-winning productions each season, and this year is certainly no exception!

Playing now through March 12th, you won’t want to miss “Stepping Out,” a rollicking good comedy about the attempts of a group of bumbling dance amateurs to overcome not only their inhibitions,  » Read more

Tapa Night!

Joyce's Tapas night

Never one to let a few clouds dampen her evening, long-time Ocean’s Reach guest Joyce W. treats friends to “Tapa Night” out on her lanai.

Not sure what looks nicer: the food … the wine … or the smiles!  » Read more

Jazzing It Up

Island jazz

Island jazz 2

Island Jazz is well in the swing of their 10th season of fabulous music!

Guests “in the know” pack up their beach chairs and head to the outdoor Boler Garden at BIG ARTS every Sunday afternoon for the free 3pm concerts. (Even if it rains, the show goes on; it simply moves into the covered Gainer Veranda.)

Island Jazz features Harry Reiner and Dick Montgomery on trumpet,  » Read more

Spaghetti for Everyone!

Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner 1

Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner 2

Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner 3

The annual Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner, coming this year on Saturday, Feb. 27, to the Sanibel Community House has been a must-do event for islanders and guests for well over 30 years.

This most scrumptious of island traditions features an all-you-can-eat Italian treat, capped off by the Kiwanis’ acclaimed “secret recipe” spaghetti sauce. Tickets for the dinner — which include pasta,  » Read more

Save March for Music

Sanibel Music Festival

For the past thirty years, classical music aficionados “Save March for Music” as they look forward to the next season of the Sanibel Music Festival. Each year, festival organizers present seven concerts featuring exceptional piano, chamber music, recital and vocal ensemble performances. Their mission is to present classical music of the highest standard at affordable prices and to promote the careers of emerging artists through performance opportunities.

The 30th Anniversary celebration season of the Sanibel Music Festival promises not to disappoint.  » Read more

The American Alligator

American alligatorAmerican alligator

American crocodileAmerican crocodile

“Where are the alligators?” is a frequent question fielded by our Guest Services team. For many Ocean’s Reach vacationers, a trip is not complete without a glimpse of an alligator . . . or crocodile!

So where’s the best place to see a gator? Explore the Indigo Trail at the “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge. If you’re lucky you’ll see double—an alligator and a crocodile!  » Read more

Fun Fun Fundraiser!

CHR Mardi Gras Party 2. jpg

Fun raiser 1

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Fun raiser 3

Sanibel’s Community Housing and Resources (CHR) raised more than funds at their annual Mardi Gras party on February 6 at the Dunes Golf & Tennis Club. It was a fun-filled event with hundreds of revelers in masquerade enjoying a Bourbon Street parade, New Orleans-themed activities, music and food buffet. The highlight of the festivities was a surprise appearance by the Fort Myers High School Marching Band.  » Read more

Decisions! Decisions!

OR gear 1

Guests are loving the new Retail Kiosk in our recently-renovated office area!

All sorts of Ocean’s Reach goodies are now available in a wide variety of sizes, styles and colors.

The most difficult decision seems which to choose. A comfy cotton tee or laid-back beach cover-up? A classic polo shirt or a more casual long-sleeved tee? Ocean’s Reach caps, bucket hats and beach towels are also now in inventory.  » Read more

Night Life at Ocean’s Reach

Owl photo

Island night life is alive and well at Ocean’s Reach! Our security camera on Building #4 caught it all on tape!

See the Eastern Screech-Owl, perched on our camera box, peering directly into the lens. Small and camouflaged, this pint-sized owl is difficult to detect by sight but recognizable by its shrill tremolo. It spends the day roosting, becoming active at night foraging and preying on large insects and small rodents.  » Read more

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