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“The City That Almost Wasn’t”

Many thanks to our friends at the “Island Sun” for sharing the following article, written by Jeff Lysiak.

Last week at the SCCF (SanibelCaptiva Conservation Foundation) Nature Center, a lecture on the history of the conservation movement on the islands was delivered by Kristie Anders, SCCF’s education director and longtime local resident. During her 45-minute presentation, Anders shared some background information on several pivotal players and the important dates that helped shape the future of Sanibel.   » Read more

The Last Straw!

Plastic straws are now banned from the island of Sanibel, an important step in helping to protect our beautiful beaches.  

The Sanibel City Council approved the new ordinance last week, which requires businesses to either use paper straws or none at all.

We’re thrilled to finally see this action taking place as plastic straws pose such a threat to our precious wildlife.  More than 175 million plastic straws are used each day in the U.S.  » Read more


It’s all about the mango at the 22nd annual MangoMania Tropical Fruit Fair this weekend, taking place July 14 – 15 at the German-American Social Club in nearby Cape Coral.

They’re sweet, juicy and oh-so-delicious!  Freshly picked Haydens, Irwins, Kents, Keittes and other varieties that grow on neighboring Pine Island will be available at the free mango tasting table. 

The event will also feature recipe contests,  » Read more


Yep, our doppelgangers are at it again!

Joyce M. from Brunswick, GA, one of our favorite longtime summer guests, stopped by to show Lisa her latest ultra-colorful dress, and wouldn’t you know it, Lisa was wearing the same!

These two ladies always brighten up our day, but we have to admit that we all needed sunglasses that day!  » Read more

Breaking the Ice

Daring acrobatics and stunning figure skating come together in Cirque du Soleil’s newest show, Crystal.

Coming July 12 – 15 to Germain Arena, it is the group’s 42nd show and the first to be performed on an ice rink.

According to Cirque, the production “pushes boundaries by blending stunning skating disciplines, acrobatic feats that defy the imagination and the ice for a unique canvas.”  » Read more

Counting Butterflies

Have an interest in butterflies?

The Edison & Ford Winter Estates is looking for volunteers to help with the annual butterfly count.

On July 13, from 10 a.m. to noon, Edison & Ford Winter Estates will participate in the North American Butterfly Association’s 43rd annual butterfly count.

Results of the count help researchers monitor butterfly population trends throughout the United States, Canada and Mexico.  » Read more

Tracking Walter the Loggerhead

The release of Walter, an adult male loggerhead sea turtle, was met with great fanfare from a large group of onlookers who were lucky enough to witness his return back into the wild recently on Sanibel Island.

The turtle was reported to the Sanibel Captiva Conservation Foundation (SCCF) Sea Turtle Hotline in early June after he was observed struggling and rolling in the water near shore.  » Read more

Mollusks on the Move

Thanks to our friends at the Island Reporter for this excerpt!

The Bailey-Matthews National Shell Museum’s “Mollusks on the Move” van has been making waves recently throughout Southwest Florida.

The Mollusks on the Move program was developed last year with the mission of connecting local children with the natural world through their love of seashells. To date, it has reached more than 3,000 students at schools,  » Read more

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