In a Flip-Flop State of Mind.

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Back Swinging!

Ciskowski sisters

The Ciskowski sisters are back swinging at Sanibel’s The Dunes Golf & Tennis
Club. They, their parents and younger sister are part of the Ocean’s Reach
owner family and just celebrated their Christmas vacation with us. Big sis
Heather, a member of the University of Minnesota golf team and Nicole, a
high school freshman and top ranked junior golfer, enjoyed walking and
playing nine holes on the Audubon Society sanctioned golf course.  » Read more


twin sisters

Twins get a lot of double takes at Ocean’s Reach and these sisters enjoy sharing the attention! Living thousands of miles away from each other, they look forward to their “together” time on Sanibel and dressing up in matching outfits. Brother and condo owner, Paul, couldn’t be prouder!  » Read more

Girlfriends Forever


Our two friends, Fay and Penny, are giddy with excitement as they shop
for Christmas gifts at Sanibel’s 32nd Luminary Holiday Stroll. The popular
event celebrates the advent of the holiday season with candlelit luminaries
guiding strollers along the pathways on Periwinkle Way.

There’s much to enjoy during the evening including complimentary food and
drink, special activities, music and art, but the best part for these two is
sharing the special occasion with their best friend.  » Read more

A Soldier’s Child

the soldier and the boy

the soldier and the boy

Wondering what to do with the dozens of murex shells you’ve collected through the years?

Perhaps you’ll find inspiration from this heartwarming story recently published by our friends at the Island Reporter:

A Soldier’s Child Foundation stands by the patriots who have fallen by honoring those they left behind


“What does it matter?  » Read more

Pack Your Knitting!

knitting at OR

Under the shade of a brightly colored beach umbrella or our breezy palm grove, a masterpiece can be completed! So bring along those start up materials or partially finished projects. Your home away from home on the beach is a perfectly private setting to express your creativity. We often see sewing machines, blank canvases and dining room tables converted to workshops!

Our good friend and guest, Judy, enjoys her space of tranquility and solitude while knitting wearable art.  » Read more

Touching the Lives of Many

Andrea Miller

As we start the new year, we wanted to share this wonderfully inspirational story from the “Island Reporter” featuring one of the most remarkable young women we know:

A 27-year-old who had to fight for her life at the young age of one has done many things in her life, things that many have only dreamt about completing because Andrea Miller believes “God is good all of the time.”  » Read more

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