See the Largest Shell Show

Sanibel Shell Show

The 79th annual Sanibel Shell Show is unquestionably the largest in the world and a definite must-see! Collect and purchase from a colossal collection of seashells, both common and hard to find, and meet up with seashell lovers and crafters from all over the world. It all takes place at the Community House March 3-5, 2016.

While there is no entrance fee to the grounds, a $5 donation is requested to attend the inside shell show.  » Read more

“Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch”

The Great Pacific Garbage Patch


‘Ding’ film takes trip to Great Pacific Garbage Patch

The documentary film “Plastic Paradise: The Great Pacific Garbage Patch” continues the fourth annual “Ding” Darling Wednesday Film Series on March 2, 2016, at 2:30 p.m. in the “Ding” Darling Visitor & Education Center auditorium.

Midway Atoll — located in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, thousands of miles away from civilization —  » Read more

Practice Makes Perfect

Trumpet practice

Our guests take note of all the comforts of home (and more)–expansive views, a hop, skip and a jump to the beach, complimentary internet, multi-channel HD TV, well-stocked kitchen and lush, comfy beds. And even outdoor practice rooms!

Evan, a high school sophomore, finds a peaceful place to practice his trumpet for an upcoming state competition. The proud grandson of owners, Bob and Judy, he doesn’t miss a beat while vacationing at Ocean’s Reach.  » Read more

Nature Watching

Nature watching

All ages enjoy the myriad of nature watching activities at Ocean’s Reach.
From the gazing of the stars to the extraction of mollusks on the ocean
floor, our guest nature watchers are learning to identify a multitude of
birds, small animals, botanicals and shells that occupy our beach, pond and

These guests agree that Ocean’s Reach is a nature lover’s get away–perfect
for exploring,  » Read more

It’s HUGE!

BG and Giant Grouper

We love to boast about the fishing off the Sanibel coastline. And last week
our resident fisherman and owner, BG, made us “reel” proud with a catch so
large, it is called the Giant Grouper. Needless to say, it was an
incredible day to fish and then release this protected grouper measuring
about 4 feet long.

The giant grouper has a large mouth and a rounded tail.  » Read more

Tapa Night!

Joyce's Tapas night

Never one to let a few clouds dampen her evening, long-time Ocean’s Reach guest Joyce W. treats friends to “Tapa Night” out on her lanai.

Not sure what looks nicer: the food … the wine … or the smiles!  » Read more

Decisions! Decisions!

OR gear 1

Guests are loving the new Retail Kiosk in our recently-renovated office area!

All sorts of Ocean’s Reach goodies are now available in a wide variety of sizes, styles and colors.

The most difficult decision seems which to choose. A comfy cotton tee or laid-back beach cover-up? A classic polo shirt or a more casual long-sleeved tee? Ocean’s Reach caps, bucket hats and beach towels are also now in inventory.  » Read more

Night Life at Ocean’s Reach

Owl photo

Island night life is alive and well at Ocean’s Reach! Our security camera on Building #4 caught it all on tape!

See the Eastern Screech-Owl, perched on our camera box, peering directly into the lens. Small and camouflaged, this pint-sized owl is difficult to detect by sight but recognizable by its shrill tremolo. It spends the day roosting, becoming active at night foraging and preying on large insects and small rodents.  » Read more

Bring Your Own

bring your own gear

We couldn’t be more pleased to have many of our winter guests spend multiple weeks on the beach with us. Ocean’s Reach is “home” for snowbirds and empty nesters from the Northeast and Midwest escaping the brisk winter months between December and April.

Frequently these guests will drive south with their cars loaded with personal items, beach toys, and even kayaks. They want their crockpot and favorite skillet in the kitchen,  » Read more

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