Spaghetti for Everyone!

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The annual Kiwanis Spaghetti Dinner, coming this year on Saturday, Feb. 27, to the Sanibel Community House has been a must-do event for islanders and guests for well over 30 years.

This most scrumptious of island traditions features an all-you-can-eat Italian treat, capped off by the Kiwanis’ acclaimed “secret recipe” spaghetti sauce. Tickets for the dinner — which include pasta,  » Read more

Save March for Music

Sanibel Music Festival

For the past thirty years, classical music aficionados “Save March for Music” as they look forward to the next season of the Sanibel Music Festival. Each year, festival organizers present seven concerts featuring exceptional piano, chamber music, recital and vocal ensemble performances. Their mission is to present classical music of the highest standard at affordable prices and to promote the careers of emerging artists through performance opportunities.

The 30th Anniversary celebration season of the Sanibel Music Festival promises not to disappoint.  » Read more

The American Alligator

American alligatorAmerican alligator

American crocodileAmerican crocodile

“Where are the alligators?” is a frequent question fielded by our Guest Services team. For many Ocean’s Reach vacationers, a trip is not complete without a glimpse of an alligator . . . or crocodile!

So where’s the best place to see a gator? Explore the Indigo Trail at the “Ding” Darling National Wildlife Refuge. If you’re lucky you’ll see double—an alligator and a crocodile!  » Read more

Fun Fun Fundraiser!

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Sanibel’s Community Housing and Resources (CHR) raised more than funds at their annual Mardi Gras party on February 6 at the Dunes Golf & Tennis Club. It was a fun-filled event with hundreds of revelers in masquerade enjoying a Bourbon Street parade, New Orleans-themed activities, music and food buffet. The highlight of the festivities was a surprise appearance by the Fort Myers High School Marching Band.  » Read more

Decisions! Decisions!

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Guests are loving the new Retail Kiosk in our recently-renovated office area!

All sorts of Ocean’s Reach goodies are now available in a wide variety of sizes, styles and colors.

The most difficult decision seems which to choose. A comfy cotton tee or laid-back beach cover-up? A classic polo shirt or a more casual long-sleeved tee? Ocean’s Reach caps, bucket hats and beach towels are also now in inventory.  » Read more

Early Sanibel Memories

Bob Sabatino, early islander

What a great story from our friends at the “Island Reporter”!

When Bob Sabatino moved to Sanibel in 1957, it was a true island.

“When I was on the ferry you only saw the Lighthouse and then way over to the right were two houses,” he said. “One of those two houses was Bailey’s store.”

While Sabatino was in the Coast Guard,  » Read more

First Responder in Need

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We know our guests appreciate our island first responders as much as they do the courageous men and women who serve in their hometowns. Here’s a story we wanted to share from “The Island Reporter” in case you would like to help.

Firefighter gets much support after car accident
February 10, 2016

The firefighters,  » Read more

It’s “Art Fair” Time!

Art Fair 2016

Courtesy of Jeff Lysiak at the “Island Sun”:

The Rotary Club of Sanibel-Captiva is preparing for the 33rd annual Arts & Crafts Fair, to be held on Saturday and Sunday, February 13 and 14 at The Community House, located at 2173 Periwinkle Way on Sanibel. The event attracts more than 10,000 attendees each year.

The fundraiser, which started as a pancake breakfast with one artist showcasing his work,  » Read more

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