A Dog-Gone Good Time!

Mutts Gone Nuts and Andy


BIG ARTS has a stellar schedule of “must see” events this season. Tickets go fast and seats are limited, so be sure you don’t miss out on this year’s amazing line-up of great entertainment.

Andy recently attended the canine cabaret, “Mutts Gone Nuts” and is hoping you get a chance to see it in your neighborhood. It’s comedy gone wild featuring ten amazing rescued dogs that match wits with their human companions.  » Read more

Valentine’s Day Sunset Cruise

Valentine's Day cruise, Adventures in Paradise

Still wondering what to do for Valentine’s Day?

Join Adventures in Paradise as they offer their annual Valentine’s Day Sunset Dolphin & Wildlife Cruise for a relaxing journey through the waters surrounding Sanibel during the most visually spectacular part of the day.

The 90-minute guided tour aboard the “Dolphin Waters” 45-foot catamaran brings you to where our local wildlife comes to play. In between snacking on complimentary soft drinks and enjoying complimentary soft drinks,  » Read more

Vintage Fashion Show

Vintage Fashion Show

Along with the fashions, wonderful stories about these women will be shared with guests. Parties, weddings and “fun-raisers” were always an important part of island life.

Dottie Price Wakefield and Elnora Walker Gavin are just two of the women to be featured at the event.

Elnora Walker Gavin was born in Georgia in 1921, and moved to Sanibel with her parents and six siblings in 1926.  » Read more

An Awesome Array of Sea Stars

Sea stars

“Sea stars as far as the eye can see!” said Ed, an annual winter guest, reporting from our beach this past week. It was a bonanza for beach goers who found more than sand between their toes. Thousands of sea stars were washed up on shore prompting lots of questions as to how they got there. Was it due to the recent storms or temperature adjustment?

The ocean floor is home to over 2,000 species of sea stars (alternately known as “starfish”) and Ed’s photo collage captures a sampling of the varieties of shapes,  » Read more

Special Bird Alert

Red Knots shorebird

After migrating from north of the Arctic Circle, these Red Knots, a type of sandpiper, have found a beautiful beach home on Sanibel at Ocean’s Reach! Peer the lineup of red knots along the top of this photo and just imagine what a flight of over 9,000 miles entails as these birds often fly as far south as southern South America. The red knot breeding ground is in the Arctic and a well-known staging area during migration is the Delaware Bay where huge flocks feed on the eggs of spawning horseshoe crabs.  » Read more

Bourbon Street Meets the Beach!

Mardi Gras...Sanibel


It’s Mardi Gras … Sanibel style! As the biggest fundraiser of the year for the island’s Community Housing Resources organization, Mardi Gras is always a fun-filled time, but organizers of this year’s event — to be held Saturday, February 6, at The Dunes Golf & Tennis Club — are planning to make even more of a splash!

In addition to feasting on a New Orleans style dinner,  » Read more

“Sex, Drugs, and Sea Slime”

marine scientist Ellen Prager

Ellen Prager

Ellen Prager


In Sex, Drugs, and Sea Slime: The Oceans’ Oddest Creatures and Why They Matter, marine scientist Ellen Prager takes readers deep into the sea to introduce an astonishing cast of fascinating and bizarre creatures that make the salty depths their home. As part of the free “Ding” Darling Friday Lecture Series, the author will present two programs beginning at 10 a.m.  » Read more

“Vanishing of the Bees”

Vanishing of the Bees

“Ding” Darling’s next film of the season

‘Ding’ film seeks solutions to collapsing honeybee population

The film “Vanishing of the Bees” continues the fourth annual “Ding” Darling Wednesday Film Series on Feb. 3, 2016, at 2:30 p.m. in the “Ding” Darling Visitor & Education Center auditorium.

Honeybees pollinate one-third of the food we eat, and they are threatened by a worldwide phenomenon known as Colony Collapse Disorder.  » Read more

Enthralled by Stories of a Master Gardener

Amy Bennet Williams

From our friends at the Santiva Chronicle:

Amy Bennett Williams is a natural teller of tales. Part fable and part meditation, her stories are understated little dramas that unfold in a world that hovers beneath our everyday awareness. Her mission is to nudge us all to guard against “taking the wonders of nature for granted” and to see our environment as new, and renewing, creation. She reminds Southwest Floridians of the beauty and resilience of “our special corner of the world.”

Bennett Williams treated an enthusiastic crowd of Islanders to her tales,  » Read more

ArtFest is Coming!

artfest 1

artfest 2

artfest 3

artfest 4

On the first weekend in February, ArtFest enlivens the Fort Myers waterfront with exceptional art, entertainment and children’s art activities.

This highly selective juried show features wonderful artwork from more than 200 artists, as well as music, dancing, fun cuisine and a variety of activities from local organizations. Guests can also enjoy special exhibits and artist demonstrations,  » Read more

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