See You Later, Sydney

Ten-month-old Sydney, a juvenile American Alligator, is fast becoming the most popular new animal ambassador at CROW, the Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife on Sanibel Island.

With her brand new, 300-gallon tank – which is filled with artificial plants, rocks, floating driftwood and a basking platform to simulate her natural environment – the young alligator spends her days swimming around her enclosure.  » Read more

Sea Turtle Nesting Season has Begun — Part 1

A 2005 fossil find in Queensland, Australia, indicated that sea turtles lived more than 110 million years ago. Even centuries ago, sea turtles roamed our oceans by the millions. In the last 100 years, however, their numbers have been greatly reduced and today all seven species of sea turtles are in danger of global extinction. During the summer months, there are approximately 50,000 sea turtles in Florida, making our state the most important nesting area in the United States.  » Read more

An Easy-Breezy Trolley Tour

Adventures in Paradise trolly

Sanibel Island has been appealing to visitors for generations. The island, at 12 miles long, offers unparalleled serene beauty and abundant nature thanks to visionary pioneers in conservation. It’s rich in history with stories of the great Calusa Indians, Spanish explorers and the functioning lighthouse, built in the 1800s. Today, visitors revel in the 24 miles of unspoiled shorelines, numerous world-class outdoor sports, as well as a selection of fine dining and shopping.  » Read more

There’s an App for That!

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Thanks to today’s technology, you can have real-time Sanibel traffic conditions right at your fingertips.

The FREE Sanibel Street Cam App is now available to access the popular City of Sanibel “Street Cams.” Six high-quality cameras throughout the island “live stream” Sanibel road conditions and have received very positive feedback since their installation last year.

During “high season” (the timeframe from roughly Christmas through Easter),  » Read more

“Tree City USA”

tree city USA

With a nickname like “City of Palms,” it’s no surprise that neighboring Fort Myers is a perennial recipient of the Arbor Day Foundation’s “Tree City USA” distinction. For the 25th consecutive year, the foundation has honored Fort Myers for its commitment to effective urban forest management.

Fort Myers achieved Tree City USA recognition by meeting the program’s four requirements: A tree board or department, a tree-care ordinance,  » Read more

What a Haul!

Well, you can’t find all this in Minnesota!

One of our owners’ sons, Tim S., couldn’t believe his good luck during his recent holiday visit. He said he found seven — yes, seven! — huge Horse Conchs this time around, in addition to a table-sized collection of more beautiful shells.

Wonder if he bought a new suitcase to take them all home?  » Read more

Sanibel Ranks High as “Friendliest City”!


Thanks to our friends at “Gulfshore Life” for the following:

Must be something about island life that makes people friendlier.

Sanibel Island was named the fifth-friendliest city in the nation (the term “city” used loosely here, of course). Expedia compiled their friendly city list based on ratings data from its users about quality of service in local hotels and an overall congenial stay in the areas.  » Read more

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