In a Flip-Flop State of Mind.

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Calling “Cirque du Soleil” Fans!

Cirque du Soleil

“OVO is a headlong rush into a colorful ecosystem teeming with life, where insects work, eat, crawl, flutter, play, fight and look for love in a non-stop riot of energy and movement. The insects’ home is a world of biodiversity and beauty filled with noisy action and moments of quiet emotion.

When a mysterious egg appears in their midst, the insects are awestruck and intensely curious about this iconic object that represents the enigma and cycles of their lives.  » Read more

Happy Birthday, Andy!

Andy's BDay 2016

It’s always a fun day around here, but never more so than when we have an Ocean’s Reach birthday to celebrate!

Recently, Andy was surprised with a “birthday tub” full of two of his favorites: blueberry muffins and chocolates!

We took it easy on the number of candles, but that doesn’t mean our wishes for a wonderful year were any less.

Happy Birthday, Andy,  » Read more

Summer of “WOW” a Success!

Wonders of Water (WOW)

Hats off to our friends at Adventures in Paradise, who created and sponsored the Wonders of Water (WOW) program this summer with The Heights Center!

The ‘WOW’ project was designed to enhance learning and life experiences for 4th to 6th grade students participating in The Heights Center’s summer camp program. Adventures In Paradise took the children on sea life encounter tours which included: a boat ride,  » Read more

Any Pittsburgh Fans Out There?

Great White Grill

A fun article from our friends at the Island Reporter, written by Brian Wierima:

Despite being located off the beaten path of Periwinkle Way, Pittsburgh native John Nader’s business venture 12 years ago in the form of the Great White Grill has prospered.

It’s also quite obvious to discover what NFL, MLB, NHL and college teams Nader loves, too, since they are plastered all over the walls,  » Read more

Smiles All Around

Manley family

We’re all smiles when our guests are smiling! And there’s lots of smiling behind and in front of this camera.

Team member, Adolfo, thrives on guest happiness so he was delighted to photograph the Manley family’s wonderful beach vacation stay. The Manleys are long time annual guests of Ocean’s Reach and we couldn’t be happier to host such a nice family.  » Read more

Two-Cake Carl

Carl's two cakes

No one enjoys a birthday treat more than Carl and that’s why we gave him two! One chocolate pie celebrates Carl’s birthday and one chocolate cake celebrates John’s birthday, in absentia. Our two Ocean’s Reach team members were born one day apart in the same year!

Both birthdays were celebrated together with a song and good wishes for many more chocolate-filled days to come.

Happy Birthday,  » Read more

Reels on Wheels!

fishing cart

Reminiscent of a Star Wars R2-D2 character, these reels on wheels will yield “reel”success with any water creature off our shore. Our guest fishing party cleverly transports rods, equipment and accessories for each angler and bait for our diverse fish population. All in one!

Fishing is permitted off our beaches and allowed only in front of buildings 1 & 4 for the safety of our swimmers. Get started with the purchase of a Florida license at Bailey’s General Store or the Bait Box and enjoy the pleasures of the great catch.  » Read more

Denver Smiles


Denver guests

It’s always an adventure chasing down this active clan from the Mile High City for a Johnson and Hogemen family photo.

Where did we spot them? The 4th of July All-U-Can-Eat pancake breakfast hosted by the Sanibel Community Church! Free pancakes started their holiday and the location offered a great seat for viewing the annual Independence Day parade.

These Denver based relatives will spend the rest of the day at Ocean’s Reach working off those extra calories.  » Read more

The Rainbow’s End

rainbow Aug 2016

Many thanks to Massachusetts’ guest Vicki B., who sent us this beautiful photo and the following note:

“Just wanted to thank you all for another wonderful vacation at Ocean’s Reach. Everyone there is so friendly and helpful! We’ve known since our first trip there that the rainbow ends at Ocean’s Reach. Hoping that my sister and I will return again to our ‘happy place’ soon.”
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